2015年12月28日 星期一

week-six Paris terror attack

Father's Talk With Son About Paris Terror Attack Goes Viral

A heart-wrenching video of a French father reassuring his young son about the Paris terror massacre has been shared more than 11 million times on Facebook.
In the clip, which aired on Canal+ television show "Le Petit Journal," a reporter asks the boy if he understands why extremists killed people in Paris on Friday.
The father, later identified as Angel Le, tries to explain the floral tributes outside the Bataclan theatre, where the majority of the victims of Friday's attacks were killed.
"What about the baddies, Dad?" asks his son, Brandon. "They've got guns."
"They've got guns but we have flowers," Le replies.
In a comment posted on the Facebook clip, Le wrote: "I'm the dad with the little boy, thank you all for the great comments that you have posting for us. When when I see all this support it tells me one thing: I'm proud to be French and proud of my fellow countrymen!"
Here is the interview in full:
Journalist: Do you understand what's happened? Do you understand why these people have done this?
Boy: Yes, because they are very, very, very bad. Bad people aren't very nice. And you have to be very careful because you need to move house.
Father: No, don't worry, we don't have to move. France is our home.
Boy: But what about the baddies, Dad?
Father: There are baddies everywhere. There are bad guys everywhere.
Boy: They've got guns. They can shoot us because they're very, very bad, Daddy.
Father: They've got guns but we have flowers.
Boy: But flowers don't do anything. They're for... they're for... they're for...
Father: Look, everyone is laying flowers here.
Boy: Yes.
Father: It's to fight against the guns.
Boy: Is it for protection?
Father: That's right.
Boy: And the candles too?
Father: They're so we don't forget the people who have gone.
Boy: Oh. The flowers and candles are there to protect us?
Father: Yes.
Journalist: Do you feel better now?
Boy: Yes, I feel better.

Structure of the Lead
     WHO-a French father and his son
     WHAT-there was a conversation of them.
     WHY- because of the terror attack in Paris
     WHERE-in Paris
     HOW-The father told his son that they had flowers and candles to fight against the guns. 

     1. heart-wrenching 打動人心的
    2. reassuring 安慰
    3. massacre 殘殺
    4. clip 剪輯
    5. extremists 極端份子
    6. floral tributes 獻花
    7. majority 大多數
    8. baddies 壞人 
    9. fellow 同類



3 則留言:

  1. After reading this news I was very touched.The little boy's father face Paris terror attack with a courageous attitude. He made his children do not live in the shadow of terror.He also made me understand the flowers and candles can protect people.I think this is the power of love and hope.

  2. Terror attacks always cause a panic. If it happens in our country, I'll think is the end of the world, and I can't imagine what will Taiwan be. To against terror attacks we should be positive and believe our own country. People and the government should be unity, too.

  3. When I saw this video first time, I was moved deeply by their conversation. Because Father wasn't to blame the bad guys, but told to his son something positive instead. For those terrorist attacks, we should in a positive attitude to face them. Let them know how happy we are.
